Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah Palin Fan

Okay so I am definitely a Sarah Palin fan. She says "ya" instead of you. She says "gonna" and she winks cause she KNOWS what we average American working persons think of political nonsense. I noticed in the garbage reading rack at the grocery store that every bad article was about Sarah Palin or John McCain. So I am now on a personal mission to find a mainstream magazine or newspaper that writes a large negative headline about Obama. "Obama, Secret Lovers Tell All.... And Their Wives Are Shocked!", "Barak came Back! His Missing Year on an Alien spaceship." or how about this one, "Barak Screams Obamanation: Macy's Day Parade Hastens Global Warming."

How about news - ABC, CBS, NBC and all their affiliates who make no apologies. No need to whisper with your hand over the mike. They out right and boldly lie, decieve and herd the American people toward the cliff of socialisim, eroding their faith in any thing that is even slightly true, right or noble. How is what they do different than Iranian TV with all its censorship and politically powered control? It is free reign censorship of integrity and truth. Grrrrrrr.

That's it. I am done. Did I say yet that I am a Sarah Palin fan?


Christy said...

Get your grrrr on, grrrrl!

claibornes corner said...

Yeah -me too....

Penny Sue said...

Amen sister!! Preach On!!!! or should I say Grrrrr On!!!

Geri said...

I think it's terrible the way the media has treated her. It's amazing what's she's done at her age.