Saturday, October 11, 2008

Date Night

I love date nights! Almost as much as I did when I was 30 and my hubby took me out. These date nights are definitely not with my hubby. Actually he goes – but – to be honest, we invite another couple. A couple of kids. Grandkids. Once a month. Tonight we decided to have a pizza tasting contest for supper. We bought four different kinds of pizzas and carefully laid them out on plates. Emma made score cards so we could rate them – a task she enthusiastically took on. Celeste cheese pizza is pretty awful.
We put the bed together for Andrew – Emma now has her own bed at Grandma’s. She loves the idea of it. She wanted to hang out in her own room and watch the food channel. Now we have recipes to try - they are not from the food channel as Emma concocts them being inspired by the food channel.
Sometimes we do fantastic things, sometimes ordinary things. We have gone to monster truck pulls and Lipizzaner shows, and other exciting places. The movies are always a favorite around here too….as long as it includes eating out.
Here are some photos: Life is good.


11 and acting it

Pizza options

Score cards here! Pens and Pencils here!

White Chocolate Bear-Pops for the taste team.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Oh my. Those are some crazy, silly kids :)