Sunday, April 6, 2008

Raindrops and Rest Stops

Rain is a wonderful excuse to do very little - except snack and nap. I love a real excuse to be lazy. Some people call it resting or relaxing, some call it chillin', some call it taking it easy ----- what else do people call it? Down time, time for myself, doing nothin', indulging myself.etc. Does it bring any images to mind?

Why do I call it being lazy? I think the phrase you use to describe the act of nothing in particular describes the kind of person you are when you particularly do something . I mean, really, think about it. How would you describe yourself? Easy going? Keeps cool, watches life go by and enjoys whatever you happen to catch in your happy-go-lucky net? Then you would probably spend a rainy Sunday afternoon chillin? True? Come on now! It's true isn't it?

If you are a never-sit-down kind of person, always seeing the spider web on the wall, the glass on the table that needs to be picked up and nothing gets your juices going more than a stressful project with many facets of "to-do's" - you spend a rain Sunday afternoon being lazy.

What about you, Miss Exercise and Health-conscious Yogurt-eating morning power-walker. You relax – don’t you? It sounds a lot like stretching or Pilates for the mind.

So readers, what do you call it? Does it fit your personality? I wonder…..


Christy said...

I call it "being." Rainy afternoons, when I can pull it off, provide me an opportunity to just "be" and nothing else.

claibornes corner said...

I call it being old enough to know how to really relax your body and mind....

60ish and Glad said...

Seems I have heard both of you say something like "Just fartin'around" and "nothin'"...The second comment is Christy's..guess whose the first one is.