Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday - Not too Shabby

Okay – enough of the deep and heavy. (sounds like the new night cream regime I am following – deep peel and heavy cream)- Oh and I do look lovely! When I take it off that is. Even Bill said my skin looks greatly improved (okay – so not greatly but – improved.) Now that is saying something.

Remember my Lipizzaner stallions? Bill and I drove the grandkids to Sarasota to watch the world famous stallions practice their dressage. We were so close and were able to go through the stables and actually pet them afterwards. Emma rode a pony.

I thought two hours of horse might bore them – but both kids seemed to utterly enjoy them. Andrew thought it cool that they were once war horses – fighting battles with all their maneuvers. Emma thought they did the ballet quite well for boy horses.

Nonetheless, the day was lovely, the breeze warm,and not-yet humid, the horses close-up and the kids engaged. To keep the momentum of the day going, I even planted flowers around my birdbath this evening - looking for the perfect end to a great day. Bill, who was working on his truck, had to find my tools, carry the mulch and potting soil, tell me how and where to plant, had to rescue the bird bath which I tilted a good 30 degrees , clean up the dirt pile and the walkway. He clean up the empty plastic pots and water all when I was done. But other than that, I did the whole thing myself. Should have thought of something else to do. As I sit here tonight $35.00 of flowers are drooping and dying across a bed of mulch that somehow has more dirt in it than mulch. Claiborne, don't you laugh! that's not fair. I heard that!


claibornes corner said...

I only have one word - Miracle Grow!!!!!!!!! And yes I did laugh

Christy said...

That sounds exactly like how I get all of my projects done. Poor Chris. He has to walk around and clean up behind me every time.

60ish and Glad said...

I am so glad daughter dearest that I taught you one thing of value - be cute and not quite all that good at whatever you are doing and he will always clean up after you! :)

mindy said...

i never get to the point where joe cleans up after me, because whenever i want to start a new project he says, "that's too expensive....we don't have any money." ;] oh well...

60ish and Glad said...

Poor Mindy! Joe has inherited his wallet nerve from Uncle Kenny