Saturday, March 22, 2008


I cooked most of the day away. Tonight we had our home church group at our house. and we generally share a meal. I wanted to make something that was easy so what could be easier than a pot of beef stew? I went to the grocery store and there in the gourmet section of the fresh veggie aisle I saw the cutest little bag - green string mesh all natural-looking - of fresh pearl onions. Wow - they were so cute - like toys for an easy bake oven dish. I ran the frozen ones back. Well, I couldn't very well allow gourmet pearl onions to sit in a pot of plain stew with plain old potatoes and plain old carrots.

So, I came home and researched gourmet potatoes. Do you know that there are 36 kinds of potatoes and Publix sells 10 of them? Back to the store.

I purchased my Green Giant petit purple golds and the best I could do for gourmet carrots was organic crinkle cuts. A little fresh parsley and basil. I was ready to go - with nothing to stew about ...okay - so I am not good with jokes.

Two hours later - I must say I have vowed NEVER to purchases or even look at fresh pearl onions again. There were 82 in the bag. You must snip off both ends with a knife and plop them in boiling water for 30 seconds - no longer!! Then one by one you must carefully peel off the thin layer of dry skin to undercover the shiny white pearl.

That was the good part of the cooking day. However, let's skip to the end. The stew was scrumptious - with hot bread and olive oil from Carraba's. My friends raved about the delicious scents greeting them at the door and how perfect this day was for hot beef stew.

We enjoyed a beautiful dinner under the porch - drizzling rain played quietly in the background, flickers of candle light decorated the table. As we moved to the living room to have our teaching and I picked up the bowls - I discovered that most of my guests do not like onions. So I ground them down the garbage disposal. Not me - I ate every one of them!


claibornes corner said...

that's too funny - -not doing so well today - sick and hurting...ask Christy about her my Daddy's Pearl Onion Pickles!!!

Christy said...

Haha! I have made the same discovery about pearl onions and will resort to the frozen ones in the future. And Claiborne? That's the first thing I said to her when she told me about the pearl onion adventure! I said - ooooooo Papa Hemphill's pearl onions! I wonder if he peeled all of those stinkin' things himself!

60ish and Glad said...

Now I know why they are so expensive in the store!