Sunday, September 13, 2009

Time Trolls

Last weekend – or was it two weekends ago……………………..? With baby Nolan in the NICU whom I adore seeing daily and activities with kids, grandkids, dogs, and work, I am now convinced that time is not a constant. Like a sly little troll with a devious bent, it speeds up at the most inconvenient times– mocking you with sinister sniggers and snorts. I feel like a gerbil running in a wheel that some prankster whirled around – just for laughs. It feels like a Groundhog Day………never mind…… back to the story…….
Last weekend – or was it two weekends ago, my daughter and granddaughter and I went for tea with the most delightful work friend and her sweet little girl. We enjoyed getting to know each other under the twinkling candlelight as the sun set across Lake Wire playing patty-cake with the candles in the window. We all dressed up – Emma wore gloves. I love her delightful and fanciful ways. Her new little friend brought and shared her teapot set she had gotten for her birthday. Zohra’s Restaurant in Lakeland served us the best dinner and dessert. They were fabulous to us and I look forward to going there again.
I am doing an experiment with my clothes. Very interesting – it is expanding my persona. I have decided I will not re-wear anything until I have worn everything I have in my closet (save seasonally inappropriate clothing). I have gone three weeks now. I am wearing the clothes I bought and don’t like, the clothes I don’t wear because they are wearing out, the clothes I love and usually wear once a week, the clothes I bought that do not match anything. I then evaluate how I feel in the clothes. By the end of the day, if I think I would wear it again – it gets relegated to the re-wear side of the closet – of course in the proper order of wear. If I don’t like how I felt in it – out it goes to the give-away pile. One problem with this experiment for which I must caution you on should you care to try it; DON’T wear all your favorite clothes first – because it is a long time before you get back ‘round to them!


Christy said...

Clothing experiments are lots of fun!

claibornes corner said...

You are brave, very very brave -- no way would I try this!

Kingmama8 said...

you ladies look beautiful!! (and so does that little grandson of yours!!) we will have to call and catch up.. I feel like the last month has been a whirlwind!! we love you both and miss you!!
Tami and gang