Sunday, December 21, 2008

Father's Surgery

This has been a rough year for my father. Thanksgiving brought about a hospitalization in Cumming Georgia, that was the first incident in a series of emergencies, doctors, tests, and a second hospitalization. We were stunned to discover that our healthy 85 year old golfing, exercising father, funny, active, sharp-minded, serious enough to read a deep book about terrorism, and always present with us was so seriously ill that he needed immediate by-pass of the heart surgery.

It was also devastating to find that during the by-pass he needed not one or two but four and a valve replacement. They did it all -to a man who had his gall bladder removed in 1980 and his tonsils out in 1935. It was rough on him in the surgery. They had a hard time with the valve and restarting his heart. He is not doing tremendously well...but is fighting to stay alive. I don't know whether or not I think the surgery was miraculous or an invasion on his right to peaceful death. I guess it is only discernable after the fact and the decision will reveal itself as one or the other in the next few weeks.

My mother is so frail and her heart not good. This is a test of her ability to survive. She is a private woman – not prone to complain or share her sorrows and suffering. She wanted to stay at her home alone last night – not come to my house. I had to respect that and let her. I huess I am like her in this way because I understand that.

So the next week here will not be easy. My days are filled with prayer. My mind and heart know the intimate comfort of the Living Lord. Pray – everybody – pray! He truly is there.

But in honor of an unforgettable guy, who has been there for anyone and everyone especially when they have no one else in their lives. Here are a few photos of Mr. Funny Bob.


Christy said...

I love the photos.
I really don't even know what else to say.

claibornes corner said...

We are all praying and Kenny is on is way to be with you and Mom and Dad - it was the only thing to do and I'm glad he'll be with you...

Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

Praying and hoping with all of you. Love you much.

60ish and Glad said...

Thanks Becky! welcome home. You may have connecte with New Orleans but this is home and home loves ya' gal!