Sunday, November 16, 2008

I have nothing to post

It is a reflection of my exciting life. Nothing to post. I think the most interesting thing at the moment is Bill's head gear contraption thingy that he was giving by the doctor to relieve the compression on his neck.

It hangs over the door, you put water in a bag up to a pound marker (like 5-10), you put this grabber-like thing around your head which is attached to a pulley above. You sit on a chair and hang the water bag on a hook on the other side of the pulley which pulls your head up, whether you want it to or not. The head gear looks a lot like those big toy vending machines where you waste a quarter and try to grab a toy with the claws.

I would like to take a photo - but I don't dare.

I looked through the drawers this morning for my head gear contraption thingy. You hang a weight off the back of your neck and hang your head over the bed - lying on your back. It does relieve my aching neck.... He says his hasn't done that much yet.

I told him whatever happens - don't die while using it. I don't think I could explain it on a death report.


Christy said...

I would pay a lot of money to see him in it.... :)

claibornes corner said...

I wonder if that would make me taller?????

Beth said...

It's December now... still nothing to post?

60ish and Glad said...

Oh I am working on a post!