Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's Over!

It's over! Yeah! Better Body Beat up your Booty Boot Camp! Now I have no one to answer to for weight losss and exercise. I don't know if that is good or bad. Good...I think...because now I have to answer to myself...the hardest task master of all. I probably won't do situps and pushups but I will keep going because I have had some success. I still feel like a loser - and I don't mean weight loser because I could not keep up with the exercises. I finished at home rather than keep going because my past injuries interfered with keeping up. Well - now I have a another goal. I have some nice summer clothes that are two sizes smaller than I am now - so I am on a roll.

Speaking of rolls.... I love buttery tasty croissants and fresh from the oven potato rolls - especially from Publixs - and biscuits - though they aren't even really rolls and I love sweet rolls especuially cinnamon...and there I go again.

Well my clothing heaps are bound to have another pile. That's the put away until next weight gain pile. But the good news is I get to open the box of put away until I LOSE weight pile!

Work is crazy for me right my blogging days are rare and few.


Christy said...

Two sizes before summer? Cut yourself some slack! Sit back and have a potato roll :)

claibornes corner said...

I don't know how you did that anyway...If I don't get my exercise on friday and saturday nights it just don't get done! Although the gardening helps!