Sunday, May 31, 2009

My! How Flies Time

People say time flies - I think flies time! Have you ever looked at a fly closely? He's quite the cute-ugly little creature, ever busy stimulating his little nose with two of his thready looking little appendages. Their timing is impeccable. As soon as you set out a fresh plate of fruit to eat, they suddenly appear skipping across it, leaving little microcosmic trails of nasty residue that we eat anyway. You seldom see them sneak in with their stealth dives - only after they have had their bellies full and are too heavy to do their "disappearing" act. Then you swoosh them away and with speed at about 2 miles an hour faster than your hand, or your newspaper, or your swatter, they continually tease you.

I sometimes think they sit on the wall chuckling and say, "Watch this, Vern!" In fact their ability to evade the swat of death is indelibly memorialized in fable history by Disney's the Brave Little Taylor who got seven in one blow.

The first horror movies used flies. They enlarged the screenshots so they looked like alien monsters eating triphods. Well here is my ode to flies:

Who flies by but the fast little fly?
Fluttering fancifully, without catching my eye.
Foraging my table he favors my pear .
Swat! Phlat! - I fail flattening him each time I try.
With a fidget and flit he's off - vanishing in air!


Christy said...

Oh my silly mommy :) It's no wonder I anthropomorphize everything.

60ish and Glad said...

I think that;s becaue one time I lived next door to the big bad wolf. Ever sense then, I knew animals could be people if they wanted.

claibornes corner said...

That is a very weird post sissy!