Friday, July 4, 2008

Farewell Senator Helms

Okay - so I am blatantly pro-life. Jesse Helms died today - God rest his soul. He was a champion and a bull dog - maybe a sheep dog - if you know what I mean. Women being led to the slaughter......

When I was a young mom - about 33 years old, I spoke at a conference in Chicago with Jesse Helms and other well known pro-life figures. I spoke many places so my memory is a bit fuzzy. Could have been other famous folks there like the once Surgeon General Dr. Koop, could have been Jean Garton, and others. But I do remember the bigger than life - no holds barred Jesse Helms. We walked down the hall together from the speakers room to the guest table among paparazzi and body guards. He was towering and my pace could not keep up without a near run. A reporter bent down and asked us to stop for a photo shot. He looked at me and said, "Got a good one of the two of you." Then Senator Helms turned and winked at me as he said to the reporter," I'll take an 8x10 glossy - always want a photo with a pretty lady."

The conference went on and we all did our speaking bit. Never will forget Jesse Helms! He is one of my heros!


Christy said...

What a wonderful story! And I thought I had heard all your good ones....

claibornes corner said...

That is a good story....