Kings. What a beautiful crop of kids. We hung out with the most huggable, energetic, funny and entertaining kids for a weekend. Young Pastor and wife whom we have grown to love, moved to Wisconsin and we had them at our house so they could pack theirs without having 4 kids around under 6. under foot. Bill and I dedicated our weekend to just giving them a good time. I loved it, planned kiddie foods, swimming, movies, a nature hike.
We walked around the neighborhood looking for trucks. By the fourth one, we heard, “Wow! We saw a thousand trucks!” In the pool, the favorite words were “Do it again! Do it again!” (Motorboat, motorboat go so slow. Motorboat motor boat go so
Brother Kenny, For the first time ever, my brother Kenny spent a birthday with us. I couldn’t wait for him to come because I bought a special gift while I was in Hot Springs, Arkansas this spring, our hometown. Kenny had worked at Dryden Pottery as a high school kid. He worked with many of the glasses, and cups and bowls created by Mr. Dryden using our fathers glaze formulas. Many years later and many styles and designs beyond, the pottery pieces are now well-known collectables.
packaged them when they were new. What fun to give him a piece of his own history.
Wedding -Nephew Jordan – My mom and I took a flight to Nebraska for my nephew’s wedding. Which I already shared.
Max – My grand-dog. And grand he is – all 120 pounds of him. Our son and wife took a little vacation and we took the dog. He is Grandma’s boy. Scared to death of Ebbie the 20 pound mini Schnauzer. He has the softest ears of anything I
Anna-May The foal I dream about. My sweet young Nadara – longtime friend, took me to see her foal today. Anna-May is almost 4 months old. She is so smart and mischievous. Her mama got her first ride since Anna-May was born. What fun. I want the dang horse now. Really – really want her!
And now - what will September bring??