Thursday, April 16, 2009

Better Beat your Body Boot Campy

So I promised to complete my saga on the boot camp. I have lost a few pounds and a whole lot of face! I walked out because I could not do the exercises. It is true I have injuries and impingements to health - like a serious inflammation disease...but I still feel like I copped out.

So what do I do? I go pay the muscle monkey to beat me up one-on-one at the Fitness center. How stupid is that? Now there is no hiding in numbers and pretending to do all those bicep curls...I have to do each and every one of them because he is standing there counting.

I kept asking myself - why? why? would I do this stupid thing? Then it occurred to me. I ate so much face being a quitter that I swallowed my brains and have none left. I plan to finish up with the group the last week of this Boot Camp. And I think I am going to "show 'em!!"

So - tomorrow I go back for my own personal beating. I think I need prayer.

Here - have a flower. I like my flower.


Christy said...

Awwww! I hate exercise too. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

claibornes corner said...

poor baby - I would NEVER even attempt to do an exercise class - I hate it too!